Purchase order approval settings


Here you can set how ProjectMinder handles the approval and submission of Purchase Orders.



Description (if enabled)

All purchase orders require approval

All purchase orders submitted by users require approval by either the individual user’s specific Purchase Order Approvers or by a Purchase Order Administrator, via My Work > My Approvals

Auto approve all purchase orders (no purchase orders require approval)

All purchase orders will be approved automatically and will not require approving

Approvers can edit purchase orders they approve

Approvers have the ability to edit purchase orders that they can approve. If this is not ticked and the expense sheet requires editing, the approver will need to reject the expense sheet and request that the user who submitted it updates it and re-submits it before it can be approved

Approvers can edit purchase order numbers they approve

Approvers can edit the purchase order number before they approve a submitted purchase order. If this is not ticked, the purchase order number field will not be editable

Allow users to select tax rates

Users can edit the tax rate of new purchase order items that are added to a draft purchase order (Expenses > Purchase Order Entry)

If this is not ticked, the tax rate applied will be that of the expense type chosen for the item (as set in Admin > Company Settings > Expense Types)


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