

The invoice screen displays all invoices previously created against this project.


Invoices are accessed via the Project > Invoices or Invoicing > Invoices pages.

New Invoice

You can create a blank invoice into which you can add new invoice items, either manually created or from the invoice schedule.


  1. Click New Invoice.

  2. Select the Client.

  3. Select the Invoice Contact.

  4. The invoice Identifier will automatically generate based on settings in Invoice Defaults.
    You can edit the generated identifier as required.

  5. Enter an optional Invoice Reference.

  6. The Total (Net) will be calculated from the invoice items added to the invoice.

  7. Enter any Notes. These can be displayed in your Invoice Template.

  8. Select the Invoice Date. This will automatically generate based on settings in Invoice Defaults.

  9. Select the Payment Terms.

  10. The Due Date will automatically updated based on Invoice Date and Payment Terms.
    This can be updated as required.

  11. Select the invoice Status.

  12. When the invoice is subsequently paid, select the Received Date.

  13. If creating a credit note rather than invoice, you can enter the Credit Amount and Credit Reason.
    These are for reference only.
    The actual credit value should be generated by creating a negative invoice item.

  14. Click Save.

  15. The invoice will be selectable in Projects > Invoices and Invoices > Invoices.

  Note: If an invoice is in a Draft status it is possible to re-order items using the up/down arrows to control the appearance on the Printable Invoice.

If items for the same project are sequenced apart the invoice will group them together.

New Invoice Item

You can use this function to add manually created invoice items to an invoice.


Alternatively, items generated by invoice rules can be added to an existing invoice via the Due for Invoicing feature.


  1. Click New Invoice Item.

  2. Select whether to create a Time, Expense or Fixed Fee invoice item.

  3. Select the Date for the invoice item.

  4. Enter the Net value.

  5. If enabled and relevant, enter the multi-currency Exchange Rate.

  6. If enabled and relevant, the Currency Net value will automatically calculate.
    This can be edited if required.

  7. If enabled and relevant, select the corresponding client PO Number from Project > Summary.

  8. Select the Tax Rate.

  9. Enter optional Description. This is generally for internal reference only.

  10. Enter optional Notes. This is generally for internal reference only.

  11. Enter optional Text for Invoice. This can be displayed in your Invoice Template.

  12. If enabled and relevant, select the AccountsLink Department Number.

  13. If enabled and relevant, select the AccountsLink Sales Nominal Code.

  14. Enter all relevant further invoice item information (see below).

  15. The Invoice Item will be listed in the table.

  16. Click Save.


Time Invoice Item


  1. Select optional Task for the time item.
    This is used to create an automated item detail for display in your Invoice Template.

  2. Enter the number of Hours.
    This is a required entry.
    This is used to create an automated item detail for display in your Invoice Template.

  3. Select optional Job Role.
    This is used to create an automated item detail for display in your Invoice Template.

  4. Enter optional Hourly Rate.
    This is used to create an automated item detail for display in your Invoice Template.

  5. Select optional User.
    This is used to create an automated item detail for display in your Invoice Template.

  6. Click Accept.


Expense Invoice Item


  1. Select optional Task for the time item. This is used to create an automated item detail for display in your Invoice Template.

  2. Enter optional Quantity. This is used to create an automated item detail for display in your Invoice Template.

  3. Select optional Expense Type. This is used to create an automated item detail for display in your Invoice Template.

  4. Enter optional Rate. This is used to create an automated item detail for display in your Invoice Template.

  5. Select optional Supplier. This is used to create an automated item detail for display in your Invoice Template.

  6. Select optional User. This is used to create an automated item detail for display in your Invoice Template.

  7. Select optional Job Role. This is used to create an automated item detail for display in your Invoice Template.

  8. Click Accept.


Fixed Fee Invoice Item


  1. Select optional Task for the fixed fee item. This is used to create an automated item detail for display in your Invoice Template.

  2. Click Accept.

Apply Exchange Rate

This function allows you to apply an exchange rate to all invoice items.


  1. Click Apply Exchange Rate.

  2. Enter the exchange rate to be applied.

  3. Click Yes to the popup prompt.

Printable Invoice

  1. Select the invoice template you would like to use (standard invoice template or any custom invoice you have).

  2. Click Printable Invoice.

  3. Your printable invoice will be displayed, based on your Invoice Template.

Delete Invoices

  1. In the list of Invoices, tick the check box against each invoice you wish to delete.

  2. Click Delete Invoices.

  3. Click Yes to the popup prompt.

Update Invoice Status

This options allows you to bulk update the status of a number of invoices.


  1. In the Invoice List, tick the check box against all invoices you wish to update.

  2. Click Update Invoice Status.

  3. Select the Status you wish to update these invoices to.

  4. If updating the invoice status to Paid, select the Received Date.

  5. Click Yes to confirm the update.

Batch Invoice Printing and Exporting

This option allows users to batch print or export invoices using the standard invoice template.

  1. In the Invoice List, tick the check box against all invoices you wish to batch print or export.

  2. Click Printable Invoice.

  3. Report viewer will open and display all the items selected each on a different page.

  4. To print, select the icon.

  5. To export, select the icon.


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