




Highly flexible timesheet report – grouped and summarized by Project, Cost Type or User

Business Purpose

Monitor breakdown of a worker’s time against the projects and tasks that they are assigned to

Ideal For

Timesheet Administrator / HR Manager



Filter Name



Start date

Earliest date that time included on the report is logged to

Date that the time was logged to

End date

Latest date that time included on the report is logged to

Date that the time was logged to

Approval Status

Option to include time from draft submitted, rejected and approved timesheets

Timesheets are approved by timesheet administrators after they are submitted by the user

Report Fields

Field Name



Project Code

Project code

Entered into the project summary

Project Name

Project name

Entered into the project summary


Name of user

Entered in the User Profile


Name of task

Task name defined in Work Structure

Core Time

Core hours logged to project

Time that was logged on the timesheet but not marked as being Extra time

Over Time

Extra hours logged to project

Time logged in the timesheet as extra time

Work Detail

Work detail

Work Detail is added by clicking symbol by each time entry box in timesheet.  Time can be logged to a work detail within a task.


Timesheet notes

Made by user when making timesheet entries





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