

The AccountsLink Export page displays all records available for export and provides the facility to generate the CSV file you can subsequently import in to your accounting software.


 The export is completed via Admin > AccountsLink > Export.


  1. Sales Invoices, Approved Purchase Invoices and Approved User Expenses are displayed ready for export.

  2. Ensure that only items required for exporting are ticked.
    You can expand entries in each grouping if you wish to make specific selections.

  3. If there is data you never wish to export, select the tick box Never Export.

  4. When all selections have been made, click Generate Export.

  5. When the File Download dialogue box appears select the Save option.

  6. Choose the location where you want to save the CSV file and make a note of the location as you will need to browse to it later during the accounts import routine.

  7. When the Download Complete dialogue box appears select the Close option.

  8. You have now completed the export process of data from your system to a csv file.


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