Security Groups


Security Groups are groups of users. All users within a Security Group all share the same permissions to access pages.


Note: You can have as many groups set up as you like, each with different permissions, but a user can only be a member of one Security Group at any one time.


To each Security Group you can add a number of users, and then specify which sections of ProjectMinder these users can access. For each section you have two options, Can View and Can Save Changes. If you only tick Can View for a particular section, the users will be able to view the pages in this section but they will not be able to save any changes unless Can Save Changes is also ticked.

Adding a new security group

To create a new Security Group, first make sure you are viewing the Security Groups section from menu on the left. You will see a list of existing Security Groups, and underneath that list will be a text area called Add new Security Group.


Enter the name of the new Security Group into this box and click the button.

Adding users to a security group

Once you have created your Security Group, you will want to add users to it.


  1. Select the Security Group that you would like to add users to in the Security Groups box.

  2. Locate the Security Group Users box beneath this.

  3. Beneath this, you will see a drop-down list called Transfer User to this Security Group.

  4. Click on the box to display the list of your users in the system.

  5. Select the user you would like to add to add to the currently-selected Security Group.

  6. Click the button.


Note: Since users can only be members one Security Group at any one time, if you select a user who is currently assigned to a different Security Group, they will be automatically removed from that Group and assigned to the current Group.

Setting security group permissions

Once you have assigned your users to a Security Group, you will need to set up their permissions. There are two types of permissions that you can set – General Security and page-specific security.


Note: Before changing any of these settings, ensure you have the desired Security Group selected in the Security Groups list.




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