Invoice Defaults


The invoice defaults page allows you to select default options to be used when creating new invoices.


Default settings are applied in Admin > Invoicing > Invoice Defaults.


Invoice Defaults




Invoice Defaults

Target Currency

The Target Currency drop down list will allow an administrator to set the default currency that will appear when creating a new invoice.


The currency list will show all items setup in the Admin > Company Settings > Currencies and also the base currency.


Note: If Target Currency is not configured in your system, please contact Support to enable this functionality.


Invoice Date

The Invoice Date drop down list will allow an administrator to set the default date that will appear when creating a new invoice.


The options available are:

Payment Terms

The Invoice Date drop down list will allow an administrator to set the default Payment Terms that will appear when creating a new invoice.


The Payment Terms will show all items setup in Admin > Invoicing > Payment Terms.




Invoice identifiers can automatically populate a new invoice’s identifier.  

Generate Invoice Identifier

To automate an invoice identifier, check the Generate Invoice Identifier option.


Note: if the option is unchecked, the Identifier section of a new invoice will be blank and need a manual entry.


The identifier is populated in the following format:


Automated invoice identifier = invoice prefix + incremental invoice number.


Enabling this functionality allows an administrator to configure a default identifier:

Per-Client Invoice Numbering

The Per-Client Invoice Numbering radio will populate the Identifier section of a new invoice with the value in the Contacts > Clients > Details > Current Invoice Number section.


Selecting this radio will disable the prefix options in this section and will only reference a Prefix set in the Contacts > Clients > Details > Invoice Prefix section.

Global Invoice Numbering

The Global Invoice Numbering radio will automatically populate the Identifier section of a new invoice created with the value entered in this field.


This number will sequentially increase every time a new invoice is generated automatically.

Note: The value cannot be the same as an invoice already created and will change to the next available number when Save is selected.


Selecting this radio will enable the prefix options available to set as a default in a new invoice.


The following Prefix options are available:

Per-Client Invoice Prefix

The Per-Client Invoice Prefix radio will populate the Identifier section of a new invoice with the number in the Contacts > Clients > Details > Invoice Prefix section.

Global Invoice Prefix

If using Global Invoice Prefix/span>,, enter the prefix that will apply to all new invoices created.



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