


  1. Why are there two types of budgeting pages?

  2. What type of budgeting should I use in the Fee Allocation screen?




  1. Why are there two types of budgeting pages?

The Fee Allocation page is relevant to Architects, Engineers and Quantity Surveyors and the Estimates page is relevant to the Consultants market sector for project budgeting.


  1. What type of budgeting should I use in the Fee Allocation screen?

The table below provides different scenarios and advises on the most suitable budgeting type to use.



Use Budget Type

I already have a project budget fee and need to identify budget costs available based on a target profit margin.

Resource calculations - Top down

Non-Rec. calculations - Top down

I already have a project budget fee and need to identify expected profit margin based on calculated budget costs.

Resource calculations - Top down

Non-Rec. calculations - Top down

I already have a resource budget fee but need to calculate my non-recoverable fee element based on anticipated costs in order to set the overall project fee.

Resource calculations - Top down

Non-Rec. calculations - Bottom up

I need to calculate my project fees based on budgeted costs and target profit margin.

Resource calculations - Bottom up

Non-Rec. calculations - Bottom up







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